The host asked questions for Tariq Ramdam and Slavoj Zizek respectively.
In this interview,Ramdam thinks revolution has taken place and is unpredictable. Egyptian has rights to want change, dignity and human rights.
The host asked questions for Tariq Ramdam and Slavoj Zizek respectively.
In this interview,Ramdam thinks revolution has taken place and is unpredictable. Egyptian has rights to want change, dignity and human rights.
This is one of programme called Riz Khan Show in Al-Jazeera English Channel.
Every week, the show has a specific topic and invites related specialists.
(譯者按: 埃及《金字塔》報資深記者麥克拉姆·穆罕默德最近採訪了艾大新任長老,在歷時兩個小時的採訪中,艾大長老艾哈邁德·泰伊伯就伊斯蘭世界,以及艾資哈爾改革的諸多熱點問題給予明確的解答。
1. Ibn Khaldun
Ibn Khaldūn (full name Arabic: ابو زيد عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن خلدون الحضرمي, Abū Zayd ‘Abdu r-Raḥman ibn Muḥammad ibn Ḫaldūn al-Ḥaḍramī; May 27, 1332/732AH to March 19, 1406/808AH) was a famous Arab historiographer and historian born in present-day Tunisia, and is sometimes viewed as one of the forerunners of modern historiography, sociology and economics. He is best known for his Muqaddimah "Prolegomena".